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Network3 Node Ubuntu Installation Guide

  • Minimum Hardware Requirements

▫️CPU: 1vCPU

▫️RAM: 2GB

▫️Storage: 60GB SSD

  • Register Account on Network3:


▫️ Input your Email Address & Password
▫️ Input referral code if needed 7ba36a3c

▫️ Connect Solana Wallet (Phantom)

✅ Done!

  • Installation

▫️Install Dependencies:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install net-tools -y 

▫️Download Ubuntu Node:

cd $HOME
wget https://network3.io/ubuntu-node-v2.1.1.tar.gz

▫️Extract the file:

tar -xzf ubuntu-node-v2.1.1.tar.gz

▫️Open port 8080:

sudo ufw allow 8080
sudo ufw reload

▫️Run the node:

cd ubuntu-node
sudo bash manager.sh up

*) Wait for the terminal to display node is ready, indicating that the node has successfully started.

▫️Generate node private key to bind our node account:

sudo bash manager.sh key

*) Copy and securely save the private key from the generated output.

  • Verify if the node is running by accessing it:

▫️Open a browser and visit: https://account.network3.ai/main?o=xx.xx.xx.xx:8080
*) Replace xx.xx.xx.xx with your actual VPS IP address
▫️Log in to the dashboard using your previously registered account.
▫️Copy the node private key, and click the '+' button on the top-right of the panel of current node in the dashboard:

▫️Paste the node private key, and click OK:

✅ Done

Cheat sheet:
If you can't find the "+" button, stop the node and then restart it again:

sudo bash manager.sh down  # To stop
sudo bash manager.sh up    # To start


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v1.2.1 (139)